Precise Pet Surgery in Vancouver

At Marine and Fraser Veterinary Clinic, we are committed to treating your precious pets with the gentle and efficient care they deserve in their time of need. Our seasoned veterinary team can deliver a variety of surgical procedures, assisting your pets with bone, joint, and soft tissue complications. We will leverage our in-house technological resources and modern techniques to provide effective and minimally invasive pet surgeries, improving their quality of life and providing a speedy recovery.

Our veterinary surgeons are educated and advanced, working hard to keep your pets relaxed and safe as we improve their mobility and health and free them from the constraints of chronic pain. If you sense something is wrong with your beloved furry family member, don't hesitate to contact our office and get them the reliable vet care they need.


Signs Your Pet May Need Our Surgical Procedures

There are various reasons why your animal may require pet surgery. It could be an unfortunate injury, a degenerative issue, or much more. Rest assured, we are ready and able to provide the treatment they need. Situations where your pet may need surgical care include, but are not limited to:

  • Blunt force injury
  • Difficulty walking and running
  • Vision issues
  • Foreign body ingestion
  • Mass removal
  • Spay or neuter services

Types of Pet Surgeries We Offer

We can offer a broad range of surgical procedures to handle various issues, complications, and abnormalities, whether internal or superficial. The types of pet surgeries we are ready to perform include:

  • Soft Tissue Surgery: Soft tissue surgeries address the health of the internal organs, skin, and muscle. Our surgeons can carefully remove masses, lumps, tumors, and foreign bodies that could be obstructing airways. Additionally, we can perform safe and convenient spaying and neutering procedures for your pets. Our practice is also equipped with pet tonometry capabilities, which measure the health and pressure levels of your animal's eyes. We will search for issues like cataracts, glaucoma, and other uncertain eye conditions that may need surgical correction.
  • Orthopedic Surgery: Our skilled veterinary surgeons can handle a variety of orthopedic procedures involving muscular or skeletal issues. This type of surgery assists with bone fracture repairs, joint issues, ligament health, and amputations if necessary. Certain dog breeds suffer from degenerative issues due to genetic factors affecting the joints and muscles. We will leverage our effective techniques and modern tools to get your dog back to running again in as little as a matter of weeks.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: We can offer minimally invasive surgeries that will assist your pet's injuries while helping them make a speedy recovery. This term refers to the ability to make very small incisions in the body using small tubes, pet endoscopy tiny cameras, and delicate surgical instruments. Compared to regular open surgery, minimally invasive procedures are designed to put much less trauma on the body.

Laser Therapy Services

Our practice offers efficient laser therapy services, which are quick, non-invasive, and pain-free procedures. Laser therapy uses photo biomodulation to improve patient outcomes by decreasing inflammation, preventing scarring, and accelerating the recovery time for your pet.

Laser therapy can assist your pet during and after surgery by strengthening the local biochemical environment of the tissue, improving the quality of the repair. It can also assist in pain management and inflammation in the joints found in certain breeds of dogs that commonly suffer from osteoarthritis. A few sessions with laser therapy can improve their mobility and quality of life.

Laser therapy can also assist in oral surgery, superficial injuries, and acute physical trauma, making it an effective tool across many veterinary surgical procedures. Ask our veterinarians how laser therapy services can assist your pets with the surgery process.

Pet Surgeries FAQs

We know you have questions and concerns regarding our process, materials we use, and aftercare tips, and our friendly veterinarians have the answers. Some frequently asked questions regarding pet surgery include:

Why does my pet need pre-anesthetic blood testing?

Pre-anesthetic blood testing helps our team determine if the internal organs will function properly under anesthetic and surgery. Pre-anesthetic blood testing can determine liver and kidney function, protein levels, proper white blood cell count, and more.

Orthopedic surgery is designed to treat pets with broken or fractured bones and other joint and ligament issues. Our veterinary team will diagnose and provide you with the necessary information for you to make informed decisions about your pet's health and which surgery will improve their well-being.

We perform pet surgery on animals with an empty stomach, which reduces the chances of regurgitation before or after anesthesia has been administered. Food should be withheld for 8-10 hours before your pet's surgical procedure, however, a small amount of water should be fine.

Trusted Pet Surgery in Vancouver

At Marine and Fraser Veterinary Clinic, we are proud to offer efficient pet surgeries to promote your pet's health back to an optimal condition. We are caring pet parents, just like you, and we are dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to make confident and informed decisions regarding your pet's health before and after surgery.

Our veterinary surgeons will provide effective and safe procedures that will help your beloved pet enjoy more years of love, loyalty, and fun. Contact us today to find out more about our pet surgeries in Vancouver!


Cats and Dogs

We Want To Hear From You

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments
you may have. Please tell us how you heard about us.

Office Hours
8am - 8pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm

Our Clinic is located at the corner of South East Marine drive and Fraser Street. We have plenty of underground free parking spaces for 2 hrs. which have entrance located at Fraser Street. Free parking is also available at Chester Street

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